Skate4Life lessons
Our new Skate4Life lessons are weekly lessons that take place throughout the year on a continuous basis. Each lesson is thirty minutes, and is available Weekend mornings or Monday and Thursday evenings. We have a range of lesson courses from beginners to advanced figure and dance. Skate tots lessons are suitable from age 3 plus.
The programme is structured to follow the British ice skating (BIS) criteria for skating which allows non-skaters to become competent skaters who can display a variety of skating techniques. A programme of intensive crash courses is also available throughout most school holidays for those seeking extra ice time.
You can hear Cora's inspiring Skate4Life journey:
How do I monitor progress?
Adults/parents that have signed up to the Home Portal system, are able to log online to check how well they are progressing. Progress is updated on the site 24hours following a lesson. Adults/parents that are not on the Home Portal system will need to contact reception for information about their progress. Certificates and badges will be available to purchase from reception on completion of each stage
Where do I go next?
Once the skater has developed the core range of skills required to be confident, competent and safe on the ice. There may also be the opportunity to join one of the skating clubs and private one to one lessons aiming to compete in official BIS competitions. The potential is the same as all other specialised sports. Where making the GB Olympic squad may be one person’s goal, another may want to skate in the professional Disney on Ice shows.
Things to know

Half hour sessions

New skills

Wear warm clothes

Online portal
Monthly direct debit lesson plans – six month minimum term includes unlimited public skating
Skate4Life 30 minute
Skate4Life 30 minute
Skate4Life 30 minute concession
Skate4Life 30 minute concession
Monthly direct debit lesson plans – 30 day minimum term includes unlimited public skating
Includes all the benefits of our six month minimum term membership but can be cancelled with thirty days’ notice.
Skate4Life 30 minute
Skate4Life 30 minute
Skate4Life 30 minute concession
Skate4Life 30 minute concession
Quarterly lesson plans
All quarterly lesson plans are for a 13 week consecutive period and excludes public skating.
Skate4Life 30 minute
Skate4Life 30 minute
Skate4Life 30 minute concession
Skate4Life 30 minute concession
How to book
Please contact a member of our team to book lessons.

Level 1
- Sit down and stand up.
- March forwards across the ice.
- Forward two foot glide.
- Skate and dip (little man).
- Turn around on the spot.

Level 2
- Backward marching across the ice.
- Forwards swizzles (lemons).
- Forward two foot glide on a curve (forward to backwards, back to forwards).
- Snowplough or T-stop.

Level 3
- Forward stroking (showing correct use of blade).
- Moving two foot turn (forwards to backwards, back to forwards).
- Backwards swizzles (lemons).
- Backwards two foot glide.
- Forward one foot glide (left and right).

Level 4
- Forward outside edges on a circle (left and right).
- Forward inside edges on a circle (left and right).
- Basic forward slalom (basic outside/inside edges).
- Backward stroking.
- Forward continuous chasses around a circle (left and right).

Level 5
- Backward outside edges on a circle (left and right).
- Backward inside edges on a circle (left and right).
- Backward continuous chasses around a circle (clockwise and counter-clockwise).
- Forward crossovers (clockwise and anti-clockwise).
- Forward outside three turns from standstill (left and right).

Level 6
- Forward inside three turn from standstill (left and right).
- Backward outside edges step to forward outside edge on a circle.
- Backward crossovers (clockwise and anti-clockwise).
- Backward two foot slalom.
- Two foot spin (minimum 2 revs).

Level 7
- Forward inside open mowhawk (left and right).
- Backward crossovers to landing position glide (as per level 1 field moves).
- Continuous forward outside edges along a straight line (as per level 1 field moves).
- Basic forwards cross rolls.

Level 8
- Continuous outside three turns around a circle (3 in a row left and right).
- Continuous inside three turns around a circle (3 in a row left and right).
- Step sequence: three turn, mowhawk, cross rolls, twizzle, toe step etc.
- One foot spin (minimum 2 revs) hockey skaters two foot spin (minimum 4 revs).

Bronze Free
- Forwards and backwards crossovers in a figure of 8.
- Forward outside spiral on a curve (left and right).
- Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) optional entry and exit.
- Waltz Jump from 4-5 back crossovers (held landing for a count of 3).
- Bunny hop into drag.

Silver Free
- Single Salchow.
- Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) entry from backwards crossovers, stepping into a forward outside edge, with a landing position exit.
- Backward spiral on a curve (left and right).
- Backwards crossovers around a circle into an extended landing position for the count of 3 (left and right).
- Teapot on either foot (forwards or backwards).

Gold Free
- Backwards outside one foot spin (min 1 rev).
- Single toe loop (with correct take off - not a toe three jump).
- Spiral sequence: Forward outside spiral, forward outside three turn, two backwards crossovers, back inside spiral (spirals held for 3 seconds) clockwise and counter-clockwise.
- A simple step sequence: Must have three turns, Mohawks, Chassés, Crossrolls, Toe Steps; these can be done on any edge, forwards or backwards.
- Combination of skating movements: To include turns, jumps and spins in a short routine; with or without music (max 1 minute and 30 seconds).

Bronze Dance
- Forward open Chassés/crossed (closed) Chassés continuously on a circle (minimum 3) left and right.
- Left Forward Outside Mohawk, cross in front onto Left Back Inside and Step forwards to Right Forward Inside (3 times) left and right.
- Forward progressive runs.
- Two consecutive Left Forward Outside three turns followed by a sustained outside edge with the free leg extended for a count of 3 (left and right).
- Forward spiral inside and outside edges (either foot).

Silver Dance
- Forward progressive runs in a figure of 8.
- Backward open Chassés (3 on each foot) in a Serpentine sequence.
- Backward progressive runs in a figure of 8.
- A 7 step dance sequence as follows: Right Forward Inside open Mohawk, Right Back Outside run, Right Back Outside cross in front Left Back Inside, Step forwards to Right forward Inside edge and repeat twice.
- Forward inside single twizzles, left and right (minimum 4 in a row).

Gold Dance
- Forward fun, forward slip Chassés (3 times) in a figure of 8
- Basic backwards crossrolls.
- Solo novice Foxtrot with music.
- Forward inside double twizzles (left and right).
- A 9 step dance sequence as follows; Left Forward Outside progressive run, Left Forward outside closed Chassés, Left Forward Outside progressive run, Left Forward Outside open Mohawk, Step behind to a Left Back Inside edge and repeat twice.
Skate tots

Stage 1
During this level the skater will be learning how to get used to skates on their feet and how to stand up on their own in skates.
- Sit and stand on ice with help.
- Walk forwards 10 steps in skates (off ice).
- March on the spot (on ice).
- Little man on the spot (on ice).
- Stand independently on ice for 10 seconds.

Stage 2
On this level the skater will learn how to get their balance on the ice by marching on the spot and across the ice.
- March forwards 10 steps on the ice.
- Sit and stand on the ice independently.
- March around on the spot both directions.
- March forwards 10 steps and Aeroplane.
- March forward and little man.

Stage 3
On this level the skater will be learning how to stand and sit on the ice independently and start to learn how move backwards on the ice.
- Introduction to gliding.
- March backwards 5 steps.
- Skate forwards including head, shoulders, knees and toes..
- Introduction to Stop (toes in / out).

Stage 4
On this level the skater will be learning how to do a full width of the ice pad. They will also be learning the movement of a turn on two feet.
- Forward stroking full width.
- Snowplough or T-stop.
- March backwards full width.
- Skate forwards 10 steps and 3 forward lemons.
- Forward skating to backwards march.

Stage 5
During this level the skater will be learning how to skate backwards the full width of the ice pad, as well as learning how to do a two foot jump from marching.
- Skate backwards full width on the ice.
- Skate backwards to forward skating.
- Skate forwards then two foot glide on a curve.
- Forward slalom.
- Two foot turn from standstill.
- One foot glide (left and right).

Stage 6
On this level the skater will be able to skate correctly using the correct use of the blade as well as starting to learn how to stop.
- Advanced forward stroking.
- Forward stroking into a two foot turn.
- Skate backwards to one foot forward glide.
- Forward swizzles full width.
- Introduction to side cross overs.
- Skate backwards 10 steps and 3 backward lemons.
- Sequence of steps.